5 Capacitor Brands to Avoid

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Written By Whoozizit

We make comparisons to help you make good decisions.

A capacitor is a device with two conductors that are close to each other and insulated from each other. It also can store electrical energy. There is a range of capacitors ranging from small ones to larger ones.

If you are looking for a capacitor, you will come across a wide range of brands in the market. However, as with all other products in the market, there are certain capacitor brands to avoid.

Our post today discusses the bad cap manufacturers, hoping to save you the trouble and challenge of unreliable products. Let’s get to it.

Does Capacitor Brand Matter?


Does it matter which brand you purchase a capacitor from? Well, we can say that that would depend on the capacitor properties that you need.

There are some big brands out there that are more advantageous. These are brands that have fewer chances of producing a series that might require a recall. Additionally, you can trust the specs that they specify.

What you need is the proper type of capacitor with the right construction. When you have certain extreme requirements, the brand will matter.

It is worth noting that some smaller capacitor brands produce durable capacitors that will not disappoint.

List of Bad Capacitor Manufacturers

List of Bad Capacitor Manufacturers

A question you might have is, ‘How do you know they are bad?’ Well, this is a list that we compiled based on the bad experiences that users, as well as technicians, have had with the brands listed in our post.

However, if you have a device or board that is either shutting down frequently, blue-screening or is generally unstable, then the bad capacitor brands might be the cause of your troubles.

Now, here is a list of bad capacitor manufacturers.

1. Teapo

Some people have had some good experiences with this brand. However, the capacitors cannot withstand heat. The reason why this brand is on our list is that it has some capacitors that would work well when you need small home functionality. However, when you need something that works 24 hours a day 7 days a week, this is not the brand for you.

One of the problems people have experienced includes the capacitors bursting open. They might also look functional but allow a lot of ripple through.

2. SamXon

These capacitors have been referred to as ‘trolls’ on different platforms. The Korean caps are not only cheaply made, but also very ineffective. They are problematic capacitors that will probably cause more problems if you use them as replacements.

In different power supply and monitor failures, the culprit normally is Samxon capacitors, which is the reason why you should not risk and buy one of them.

3. CapXon

Different power supplies were sold with Capxon capacitors a while back. However, a problem arose with these capacitors and there were many problems associated with the capacitors. Polymer Capxons normally fail in one way or another.

They will also give you a surprise fail in that you will not notice any signs before the capacitor fails.

4. Jun Fu

Jun Fu is among the least reliable types of capacitors in the market. It is known that any manufacturer that uses the capacitors from Jun Fu probably has lower-cost production as the priority as opposed to reliability. These are normally found in power supplies.

5. Jamicon

Jamicon capacitors are normally used in power supplies and not motherboards. Most of the people who have had experience with these caps comment that they are of low quality and will probably fail after a short time.


This is a small of the capacitor brands to avoid. The truth is, there is a wide range of capacitor brands that are not as effective as you would like. These capacitors will probably fail after a short while. However, it is recommended that you fit the right capacitor to get the best results.

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